We are the USS VENGEANCE, a family-friendly Star Trek and Sci-Fi Fan Club located in the Kingsport/Church Hill/Gate City area. Many of our members have been involved in Star Trek fandom since the early 90s- and many of us have been "Trekkers" for most of our lives.
We are a family-oriented group with members ranging in age from 2 to 78 years old! We have paramedics, computer techs, insurance agents, nurses and people from all walks of life. I guess what I am trying to say is that we are not your average geeks. Oh, we’re geeks all right, just not average!
We have fun! That’s a hard question to answer because the interests of our members are as many and varied as the stars! Many of us love Sci-Fi from Trek to Star Wars, Anime, Battlestar Galactica, Marvel and on and on. Some of us are into costuming and some are into gaming. We have several who are interested in the paranormal field as well. We have picnics, movie nights, putt-putt tournaments, go bowling, do charity work, travel to regional attractions and sometimes just watch Star Trek! The one thing that draws us together is our mutual love of Star Trek! What keeps us together is our friendship that has continued for over 30 years. We are really a big crazy family that is always looking for new relatives!
It costs nothing to be a Vengeance member. We occasionally ask for donations to help pay for food and meeting expenses, but we charge no membership dues. The cost to be a member of STARFLEET International is $10 per year for an individual, and prices increase only slightly for more family members.
The first thing you need to do is to get in touch with us by filling out the information form on the "Bridge" page of this website, look for our Facebook group or contact us through our Facebook page. Next, come to a meeting and see what we are about for yourself! What do you have to lose other than a few hours of your time? We look forward to seeing you soon!
Meetings to discuss chapter business and plans